The mysterious, far-future wasteland of Vaarn is expanded in this pack of three short format adventure locations. Together Khenet Rock, Eigin Oasis, and The Tomb of Nassak An-Rah provide two challenging dungeons and one safe haven for your vault raiders.
Khenet Rock is a 12-room location, which can be dropped into existing campaigns or used as the starting adventure for a new one. This adventure pits the PCs against six newbeast bandits, who are formidable when they fight as a unit and are best tackled stealthily. The bandits also bear a slight resemblance to the bosses from a very famous tactical espionage action game.
A5, six-panel pamphlet, full colour on uncoated paper.
Eigin Oasis is a small starting settlement that can be used as a home base for PCs, or as a location they pass through. It has nine keyed locations, with accompanying NPCs and plot hooks. The front page of this sheet is a detailed map of the location.
A4, folded pamphlet, black and white on uncoated paper.
The Tomb of Nassak An-Rah is a seven-room location, which I used in the first ever Vaults of Vaarn session back in January 2020. It's a delve into the tomb of an Autarchy-era nobleman, which has been overrun by a virulent corpse-resurrecting fungus. This location includes several unique monsters and exotica.
A4, folded pamphlet, full colour on uncoated paper.